Stop Ruining Your Food Storage with Metal Shelving

There’s nothing that breaks our heart like seeing Cambro food storage containers sitting on top of rusty, corroded shelving. Many people accept this torturous existence because they don’t realize there is another way. We have good news for you: there is. Camshelving® is made with a durable composite plastic that is guaranteed to be free from rust and corrosion forever.

“When I first discovered Camshelving I said, ‘Where have you been all my life?’” said Matt Bickford, culinary director of South Lyndale Liquors in Minneapolis, Minn. “Camshelving just makes everything easier.”

Matt Bickford, owner of South Lyndale Liquors in front of his Camshelving

There are 4 ways you’re ruining your storage with metal shelving:

1. Corners are the Bermuda Triangle

Camshelving showing open corners, which make it easy for employees to reach productWith metal shelving, everything you put in the corners seems to disappear into the Bermuda Triangle. When it does come to the surface, it’s spoiled and oftentimes unrecognizable. Camshelving is designed with corner connectors that allow the corners to be open without losing a significant amount of weight bearing. 

“I love the ability to do an open corner for easy access; for a small cooler like mine that is huge,” said Bickford.

2. No Capability for Accessories

Camshelving has a variety of accessories available to help increase organization and effectively utilizeCamshelving Ultimate Sheet Pan Rack for Single Shelf space in coolers of all sizes. Bickford poignantly said, “I have a single shelf sheet pan rack, I love that thing!”

The Camshelving Ultimate Sheet Pan Rack for Single Shelf allows chefs to store a small number of sheet pans in a cooler without wasting space with a full rack.  

3. You Can’t Adjust Metal Shelving

Show us someone who says they don’t mind adjusting their metal shelving and we’ll show you someone whose nose is growing. Adjustability is a huge plus for foodservice operations that change their ingredients throughout the year.

Bickford stores produce, meats, dairy, sauces and ingredients for made-to-order deli sandwiches in his cooler.

“I do a ton of prep for our deli sandwiches and I store a lot of my top secret sandwich ingredients in CamSquares®,” said Bickford.

Because he can easily adjust his Camshelving, Bickford can use his space efficiently no matter what type of ingredients he is storing that week.

Meat deli counter at South Lyndale Liquors

4. It’s Nearly Impossible to Clean

If your metal shelving hasn’t rusted yet, you’re still tasked with cleaning in between tiny grooves on each shelf. Metal shelving is notoriously difficult to put together, so taking it apart isn’t an option. Instead, chefs must take everything off and take out the entire shelving unit to the back to rinse it down.

“Before [Camshelving], I used wire shelving, like everyone, but it was impossible to clean and adjust,” said Bickford.

With Camshelving, you can easily lift off the plates on any shelf and clean it with a towel or run it through a dishwasher. To say Camshelving is a time and labor savings is an understatement!

South Lyndale Liquors is a family owned and operated business that opened in the early 1970s.  After moving into a new, larger location, they’ve been able to expand their business to include a Brooklyn-style deli and a space to host tastings, dinners and events.

“Even if a liquor store doesn’t have a deli like us, they will have dry storage needs. Camshelving works just about everywhere and it lasts forever,” said Bickford.

Contact your local Cambro sales rep to finally get rid of metal shelving for good.


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